The Piano: 5 Fun Facts

  1. The piano was invented in Italy in 1709 by harpsichord maker Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. If you ever visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, you can see one of Cristofori’s original pianos!

  2. A piano has a total of 88 black and white keys.

  3. The piano has the widest range of tones of all instruments, one note lower than a double bassoon and higher than the highest note on the piccolo!

  4. What is the exact middle note on a piano? Did you guess Middle C? WRONG!! It is actually the space between E and F above middle C.

  5. Think practicing for an hour is hard? Well, Polish musician Romuald Koperski once played a concert lasting 103 hours and 8 seconds long. He is a record-holder!


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